Guard Yourself

As I sit thinking about all of you, I began to think about telling you to guard yourself.  Instantly I questioned myself as to why it came to mind.  I then began to vividly remember the path it took for me to get to this place that I’m at with my endeavors with my online work at home.  I remember how excited I was to really get going with affiliate marketing or ANYTHING I could do at home.  In those moments I was so ready to go full speed ahead without thought of what could happen if I chose the wrong thing for me.  What I mean by that is that there are some great things out there that can be done from home but it doesn’t mean it is for me.  As a stay at home mother I have to chose very wisely the things that I decide to do.  I say that because though it may be from home IF it starts to take away from my family life than is it really a benefit to me or them?  My family comes first.  It is my goal to have a extra income but not at the cost of my family.  So, I must guard myself and I urge you all to guard yourself.

Another thing that I have to be so careful of is grabbing hold of everything that people try to offer me with the cover of being easy, able to do at home, free or little cost.  As you have seen I truly offer things that are FREE to do at home.  Yes it does require some work on your and my behalf but it is true work at home options that I do myself.  In the early stages it was so easy for me to be caught up with a ton of STUFF to do but nothing producing the results that I NEEDED for myself and my family.  I rather have one thing I’m good at then 10 things that I know how to do but it produces no harvest.  I urge you all to start out with one thing and become good at it then add on from there.  If you chose to do just one thing that is great.  Be fabulous at that one thing.  Don’t be a jack of all trades but master of none.  Think about that for a minute.

I will remind you again that as far as being an affiliate to a company it does NOT cost to do this.  If you are paying to be an affiliate I urge you to ask questions and find out exactly what you are paying for.  Even the big companies does NOT charge you to advertise for them.  They give you the tools needed to do that free of charge.

I have come across ONE company that charges a monthly fee to be an affiliate to them.  I registered for one month just to see what is was all about.  My honest opinion is that this company is making their money from their affiliates not the other way around.  I see so many people using this system too so my heart goes out to those who is paying out this money on a monthly basis with the hopes that they will make money.  Yes, it does take money to make money in some situations but in my experience true affiliate marketing is on the low end of the scenario.  Guard yourselves people.

I could truly right for days sharing my humble beginnings to the path of finding what really works for me.  I won’t do that with this post but I just wanted to give you something to think about while you are on this journey of finding what works for you.  In all your getting get understanding.  As always if you have questions feel free to contact me.  Remember  guard yourself.

Until next time….


Today I wanted to share with you about Groupon.  Some of you may have heard of Groupon and some of you may not.  Anyway, Groupon is a site that allows you to find great deals on items as a discounted rate.

Okay?!? What does that have to do with affiliate marketing or making money online?  Well I can say that I absolutely love Groupon just for the simple fact that I can get discount to my all time favorite ice cream shop Ritters.  Yes. I know that isn’t saying that I can make money from it.  True ,True.  I will get to that in a minute.

First let me just say that I was all too excited that I was able to get coupons to my all time favorite shop RITTERS.  I pay $15 for $30 worth of coupons.  Yep that makes me really happy.  Okay so what is so great about getting coupons if I’m not making money?  It’s great because no ice cream shop compares to Ritters. ;  )

Back to Groupon.  What is Groupon?

Groupon features a daily deal on the best stuff to do, see, eat, and buy in 48 countries.  It is too many things to name all of them but the great thing about it is that you can get some really good stuff for really cheap.

How can I earn with Groupon?
With Groupon you can earn 2 ways.  You can become an affiliate   you will earn 10% of all sales made through your affiliate link.  Another way to earn from Groupon is by referring your friends to use it.  Each time you refer someone and they use Groupon you will receive $10 worth of Groupon Bucks.  This is their way of saying thanks for sharing the word about them.  You just share your referral link and let your referrals sign up and use Groupon.  Once the sign up is confirmed they will add $10 bucks to your account within 7-10 business days.  Don’t be discouraged that isn’t that long.  It normally is just their way of being sure that everything clears first.  It’s up to you to decide which is best for you.  As always if you have questions be sure to ask.
That’s it.  CHECK IT OUT!!! Go here and give Groupon a try today!!

Until next time…..




Thanks for following the blog…

Hello All,

I just wanted to take the time to say thanks for following the blog.  It is a pleasure to share with you all a tried and true way to make money online.  I’m truly delighted that you all have chosen to follow the blog and hope that you all have/will try the offers that I share with you.  As stated before I will NOT share anything that I have not truly done myself.  I’m not here to build a blog full of lies.  Remember if you have questions please feel free to ask.  Thanks again for following the blog.


Treasa K/Online Worker At Home

Realizing When Your Business Becomes A Hobby…

Realizing when your business becomes a hobby is one of the most important things a person should remember.  All too often people continue to run what they call a “business” not realizing that the business is now just a hobby.  I’m sure you are wondering what I mean by the business has become a hobby.

The definition of a business:

1. occupation, profession, or trade

2. profit-seeking enterprise

3. patronage
4. affair; matter
The definition of a hobby:
1. an activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation and not as a main occupation.
I will use this example to describe how the government sees business/hobby.  Around 5 years ago I sold Avon.  I signed up as a Avon representative for only $10 and then I had a “business”.  Well the first year of selling I didn’t make much because I was building my clientele.  When I took my paperwork to a tax place to file taxes I was asked outright..” is this a business or a hobby?” I was taken aback and instantly said a business.  The lady looked me square in the face and said to me well you need to balance out your profit and loss.  I had her explain what she meant.  In a essence she was saying to me that because I was losing more than I was making if I keep up that trend my “business” is really a hobby.
I tell you what that didn’t last long.  I began selling a ton and also giving away a designated amount to my customers to keep them coming back.  There is a limit that you can give as “gifts” to customers.  With Avon is was $25 per customer.  This is not per Avon but per the government rules.  Then of course you can right it off.  That is another subject in itself.
You may be asking well what if I just enjoy what I do and don’t need to earn money?
I have seen this happen too.  People start out a “business” with the intent on making money then over time decide they just enjoy helping people.  My suggestion to you would be then keep it up if you can.  However, understanding what I do about business and what it takes to keep a business legal.  I would not do that with a business set up.  DO IT AS A HOBBY.  You can help others without all the legal stuff that it will take to keep calling yourself a business.
What if I make money some months but it is slow other months and I’m not making enough?
My suggestion would be the months that you are slow don’t open.  Yes, I said it.  If you are slow and are not making what it takes to keep the basic necessities going then close down for those months.  I live in a small town and I see certain businesses do it all the time.   Since I run my business(es) in my home and online, I don’t have to close down during slow months.  My internet is going to be paid regardless.  Since the products that I sell for business is through wholesalers I don’t have stock that I have to worry about so it is always ready and available when my clients need it.
How can I determine if I’m possibly running a hobby business ?
LOL…that is a made up thing the hobby business..However, it is VERY important to know your profit and loss. This is an assured way to know what you have coming in, what you have going out and how it balances out.  It’s just like running a household.  You have to have so much coming in to cover whats going out.  If you don’t obtain that balance in your home than we all know what will/can happen.  Lights turned off, gas turned off etc.  Just as you would make sure you are doing that for your household that’s what should be done for your business.  It is possible to think you know your profit lost margins but in an essence it could be farthest from the truth.  I will talk more about profit and loss and how determine that in a later post.
This is just some of the basic things that anyone considering themselves having a business should look at.  I could tell more stories of non true businesses but I don’t want to bore you long.  I just want to you to start looking at your business and determine what you can do to make it work.  In most cases it doesn’t mean closing for good but just knowing the trend of your business high and low season and adjust accordingly.
I urge you to keep a open mind to realizing when your business becomes a hobby.
Until next time……